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    Growth Cycle of Hair
  • Hair shedding in healthy humans amounts up to 100 hairs a day; the same number of hairs grow anew. The hairs are formed in the hair roots (follicles) by keratinocytes. Each hair has a growing (anagen) phase of 2-6 years followed by a resting (catagen) phase of about 2 months and a (telogen) end-phase, during which the hair falls out. Does the loss of hair exceed the re-growth rate the hair becomes thin (alopecia) and finally baldness occurs.
  • Thymuskin 的臨床效用、生理效果、作用方式(上)-1.jpg

  • 一個健康的人每天會有100根左右的落髮數量,也會長出相當數量的頭髮出來。頭髮是髮根(毛囊)由角質細胞形成。每根頭髮有2-6年的生長期(anagen),接著有大約2個月的退化期(catagen),然後進入到會掉髮的休止期(tolgen)。如果掉髮數量多於再生率時,頭髮就會變細變少(alopecia),到最後就會禿頭。

    The Efficacy of Thymuskin in Clinical Trials
  • In the three most frequent forms of hair loss Thymuskin has been shown to be effective in clinical trials. These forms of hair loss which differ in their appearance, course and causes are described below:
  • Thymuskin臨床試驗的效用

  • Congenital Hormonal Hair Loss or alopecia androgenetica
  • In men hair loss most commonly starts in the third decade at the front and temples progresses to the vertex of the head forming a tonsure so that finally a wreath of hair remains. In this type of hair loss Thymuskin proved to be effective in 73% of the afflicted men in form of a new growth of hair or of a hold of hair loss (1).  
  • In women the congenital form of hair loss occurs less frequently, in later age and in different pattern namely more on the crown of the head. All women treated with Thymuskin stated an improvement (1).  
  • In both genders the cause of the congenital hair loss is an increased sensitivity of the hair follicles against the sex hormone testosterone and its metabolite dihydrotestosterone, respectively.  
  • In an exploratory study with Thymuskin GKL 02 (2) a statistical significant reduction in daily hair loss by 45 % (p=0.01) occurred in the 18 patients treated for 9 months; by 65% in females and 36% in males, respectively, as shown in figure 2. The ratio of anagen/telogen phases of hair as determined in the trichogram increased in 19 patients with complete data for 6 months from 5.88 to 10.46 (p=0.10) as shown in figure 3.
  • 第一種,遺傳、賀爾蒙因素導致落髮,或雄性禿
  • 男性當中,落髮最常開始在30歲,從前額和兩側太陽穴開始往頭部頂端發展,使頭頂像剃光一樣,所以最後只有一圈頭髮留下來。在這種型態的落髮,Thymuskin證實為對73%為了長新髮或想維持髮量的男性有效(1)
  • 女性當中,先天性的掉髮比較不常發生,年齡會比較大並且型態不一樣,比較常發生在頭頂。使用Thymuskin的女性,全部都有改善(1)在男性與女性中,先天性掉髮的原因是因為毛囊分別對對抗性睪固酮以及毛囊代謝物DHT的敏感度增加。
  • 在一個Thymuskin GLK02 (2)的探究性研究中發現,治療了9個月的18個個案身上發現他們的每日掉髮量在統計上明顯降低到45%(P=0.01);這18位病人中,分別有65%女性和36%男性,如圖219位病人,以毛髮圖認定的生長/休止期頭髮比例增加,6個月完整的數據從5.8810.46()p=0.01;如圖3所示。
  •     Thymuskin 的臨床效用、生理效果、作用方式(上)-2.jpg

  •    Thymuskin 的臨床效用、生理效果、作用方式(上)-3.jpg
  • Diffuse Hair Loss or alopecia diffusa
  • In this form the hairs are thinning out rather uniformly on the entire scalp. Metabolic or hormonal disturbances, infections, stress and medications (especially anti-cancer drugs) may be the cause. In patients with breast and colon cancer under treatment with medium strong cancer drugs concomitant application of Thymuskin prevented in 41-81% largely or completely the expected hair loss (3). In cases with diffuse hair loss of other causes Thymuskin was effective in 73% (4).
  • 第二種,瀰漫性掉髮

  • Circumscribed Hair Loss or alopecia areata
  • Immunological disturbance are suspected as the cause since T-lymphocytes which play a role in the defense system of the body are attacking the hair follicles. An inflammation occurs which impairs hair growth and finally leads to the loss of hairs. In severe form of alopecia 65% of the patients treated with Thymuskin experienced new hair growth at the scalp and/or body whereby in 40% of the cases a complete remission occurred (5).                
  • 第三種,局限性掉髮或圓禿
  • 免疫性障礙是可能的原因,因為T-淋巴細胞在身體的防禦系統扮演攻擊毛囊的角色。發炎的發生損害頭髮生長,最後導致落髮。嚴重的禿髮症中,用Thymuskin治療的65%的病人,在頭皮上有新生髮長出,且/或在身體也有新毛髮,這其中40%病人得到完全緩解(5)


    Thymuskin 掉髮 臨床實驗

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