

Vita-Cos-Med Klett-Loch GmbH


Leading in the field of active thymus peptides


The Vita-Cos-Med Klett-Loch GmbH is a researching and manufacturing company in the area of medical-dermatological health care products for more than 25 years, and is part of the Klett-Loch Company Group.

In-company research in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic field started in 1976, and in 1981 the company was able to demonstrate the unique effectiveness of the low molecular thymus hydrolysate GKL-01 in treating androgenetic hair loss.

Since then the Thymuskin® brand has been regarded as one of the leading preparations worldwide for counteracting hair loss and encouraging the formation of new hair. Further pharmaceutical innovations such as the development of the synthetic low molecular, statistical thymus peptide library GKL-02 and numerous other pharmaceutical patents and products have followed.

Another major success was the introduction of Thymrevit® Revitalizing Capsules in 2008. This dietetic foodstuff for special medical purposes in the dietetic treatment of diseases associated with immune disorders and immune weakness has since helped many people, and higher production quantities are achieved every year

Right from the beginning we have supported the technology transfer of biochemical innovations in close cooperation with universities and teaching hospitals. The findings available to date underline the success of the route we have taken and our work.





而隸屬於 Klett-Loch Company Group  集團的 Vita-Cos-Med Klett-Loch GmbH  這家歷史悠久的公司更是30年來專注投注在生物科技與製藥業的研究與發展,並且在如此競爭激烈的環境中脫穎而出;其中25年來 Vita-Cos-Med Klett-Loch GmbH 專注在皮膚科相關領域的研究與製造發展全球最優質的產品。


Vita-Cos-Med Klett-Loch GmbH  公司自1976年起即投入醫藥以及化妝品研究發展與製造的領域,並且於1981年成功發展獨特的 水解胸腺素萃取合成物質  GKL-01 歷經嚴謹科學實驗證明可以有效治療雄性禿以及各類型掉髮的治療,更能提供化療患者預防因為化療造成的掉髮


從那時起 Thymuskin® 這品牌已經被全球專業人士視為於對抗落髮和生髮科技領域的世界級領導品牌,隨後跟著生物科技的進步與不斷創新研發,獨步全球的小分子且具有更高吸收率的 胸腺素萃取物 GKL-02 以及許多專利藥品與創新產品並在與歐洲許多一流大學或是醫學中心共同研究發展後問世;並且行銷全球各地,提供專業醫療人士更優質的治療選擇與造福無數的消費者。


2008年更突破性發展出 Thymrevit® 品牌的營養輔助品,這種營養輔助品將可以幫助一些特殊醫療用途的患者,如一些免疫系統失調的疾病或是相關疾病的調養,皆獲得重大發展與回饋,也正向德國政府申請為正式醫療用途的藥品。


多年來 Vita-Cos-Med Klett-Loch GmbH 不斷的透過創新生物科技與技術轉移,並且透過密切的與全球各大學與醫學中心合作,歷經30年的發展已經證明 Vita-Cos-Med Klett-Loch GmbH 已為生物科技業界首屈一指的領導品牌。


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