
除了自然物質與合成成分,德國欣髮源Thymuskin 含有專利GKL-02 活性胸腺胜肽複合物。


在胜肽種類中,33 種氨基酸衍生物,由 17 種自然氨基酸、鹽和它們的衍生物組合而成


專利GKL-02 活性胸腺胜肽複合物為胜肽合成產物(而不是從動物組織被提取),因此不包含動物成分



各個胜肽的平均分子質量為600 180 道爾頓,因此當用在頭皮時,有利於滲透穿過毛囊皮膚層。

由於專利GKL-02 活性胸腺胜肽複合物含有大量的分子協同作用性,因此作用模式不能歸因於單一的胜肽。





德國欣髮源Thymuskin 對毛囊具有恢復免疫效果的特性,是典型的胸腺製造劑。


德國欣髮源Thymuskin 通過增加角化細胞活力,提高淋巴細胞增殖,抑制肥大細胞對毛囊的影響,以及調節毛囊生長,以停止落髮與刺激新髮生長。




The Thymuskin® active complex

In addition to natural substances and cosmetic ingredients, Thymuskin also contains

the patented active thymic peptide complex GKL-02.


Unique worldwide, this active complex is the result of many years of research. In this peptide library thirty three amino acid derivates are chemically combined in a statistic manner with each other and lastly physically combined with seventeen naturally occurring amino acids, either as such, as their salts and as their derivates.

This results in a unique active substance that contains di-, tri-, tetrapeptides as well as free amino acids. The peptides in the GKL-02 active thymic peptide complex were created using a peptide synthesis process (rather than being extracted from animal tissue) and therefore contain no animal components. The composition of this statistical peptide library mimics that of calf thymus gland total extract.


The average molecular weight of the individual peptides is between 180 and 600 daltons, thus facilitating penetration through the follicle skin layer after being applied to the scalp. As the GKL-02 active thymic peptide complex contains numerous components which act synergistically, the mode of action cannot be attributed to a single peptide; instead, the active complex as a whole is responsible for the various biological effects on hair growth. These effects have been successfully proven in numerous preclinical and clinical studies.


Thymuskin® mode of action

Thymuskin has an immunological effect on hair follicles, as is typical for a thymic preparation. The innovative peptide synthesis technology enables the peptides to penetrate deeply into the skin and to reach the hair follicle without any difficulty.

Thymuskin stops hair loss and stimulates new hair growth by increasing keratinocyte cell viability, boosting lymphocyte proliferation, inhibiting the effect of mast cells on hair follicles, and directly modulating hair follicle growth.


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