

經由對人體血球細胞進行的研究而證實,德國欣髮源Thymuskin 能刺激淋巴細胞分裂。這種效果依據給藥濃度而不同,並具有統計結果證實,效果比未使用組(p = 0.03)顯著許多。這種機制背後的刺激與白細胞介素無關。淋巴細胞的增殖是與免疫調節和頭髮生長有高度相關,而自身免疫過程在禿頭中扮演重要角色。



德國欣髮源Thymuskin 使用EpiDerm®模型進行研究,此模型中的實驗組織包括人的角質細胞(角質形成細胞在皮膚表層)的多層培養物,非常相近於人類皮膚的結構和功能。在這項研究中,10%的 德國欣髮源Thymuskin 溶液成功增加在實驗組織的存活力,通過線粒體脫氫酶的活性測定。實驗組織的存活率隨著 德國欣髮源Thymuskin 濃度和暴露的持續時間增加。

德國欣髮源Thymuskin 對毛囊細胞的角質細胞形成有相當的刺激效果。這樣的生物效果說明為什麼 德國欣髮源Thymuskin 對停止各種形式的落髮確實有效。


EpiDerm 模型下,德國欣髮源Thymuskin 增加實驗組織的活力





如我們所知,肥大細胞含有絲氨酸蛋白酶胰蛋白酶(胰凝乳蛋白酶)和類胰蛋白酶,可刺激角質形成細胞的蛋白酶活化受體(PARs)。經證實,德國欣髮源Thymuskin可同時抑制類胰蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶。鑑於上述提及的肥大細胞的作用,和肥大細胞對絲氨酸蛋白酶的抑制作用,可以推測 德國欣髮源Thymuskin 能成功減少或防止毛囊細胞死亡。

使用 德國欣髮源Thymuskin 類胰蛋白酶的抑製作用



近期的研究成功說明,人類毛囊上皮組織能產生特定的胸腺素(如胸腺素β-4,胸腺素α和胸腺肽),並直接調節人類毛囊生長。這個研究說明了我們對 德國欣髮源Thymuskin 效果的假說。



上述的生物效果,是僅當 德國欣髮源Thymuskin 有足夠濃度並且能到達發根。在對人的頭皮和腹部皮膚體外滲透研究說明,大約45%的0.1%濃度的 德國欣髮源Thymuskin 溶液能深入皮膚,且大多數 德國欣髮源Thymuskin 的活性成分可經毛幹到達毛囊。因此,當局部施用, 德國欣髮源Thymuskin 能夠滲入 皮膚深處並發揮效果。




Preclinic al studies


1. Increased lymphocyte proliferation


Studies performed on human blood cells have shown that Thymuskin stimulates lymphocytes to divide. This effect was dependent on the concentration administered, and was statistically significant compared with the untreated group (p=0.03). The mechanism behind this stimulation is unrelated to interleukins.1 The increased proliferation of lymphocytes is most likely connected to immunological regulation and modulation of hair growth. Autoimmune processes play a particular role in alopecia areata.




2. Increased keratinocyte cell viability


Thymuskin was investigated using the EpiDerm® model. The test tissue in this model consists of a multi-layer culture of human keratinocytes (keratin-forming cells in the epidermis) and is very similar to human skin in both structure and function. In the study, a 10% Thymuskin solution resulted in increased viability of the test tissuemeasured by the activity of mitochondrial dehydrogenases. Viability increases as Thymuskin concentration and duration of exposure are increased.


Thymuskin appears to have a comparable stimulating effect on hair-forming keratinocytes in hair follicles. This biological effect also explains why Thymuskin is effective on various forms of hair loss.

3. Inhibition of effect of mast cells on hair follicles

Using a mouse model, an increase in mast cells and their degranulation in the skin was observed during the catagen transition phase. Mast cells were no longer observed following hair loss.

Mast cells are able to modulate the proliferative activity of hair follicles, and thus also to affect hair growth in various ways. This appears to play a particular role in stressrelated hair loss.

As is well known, mast cells contain the serine proteases trypsin (chymotrypsin) and tryptase which activate keratinocytes’ protease-activated receptors (PARs). It was shown that Thymuskin inhibits both tryptase and trypsin (see fig. 3).Given the role of mast cells outlined above and the inhibition of serine proteases from mast cells, it can be postulated that Thymuskin may reduce or even prevent follicle cell death.

4. Direct modulation of human hair follicle growth

A current study has successfully shown that selected thymic peptides (such as thymosin beta-4, prothymosin alpha and thymulin) are produced by human hair follicle epithelium and act as direct modulators for human hair follicle growth.This independent study underlines all elements of the Thymuskin effect hypothesis.


5. Good skin penetration

The biological effects named above are only relevant if a sufficient concentration of Thymuskin also reaches the hair roots. In vitro penetration studies on human scalp and abdominal skin have shown that around 45% of a 0.1% Thymuskin solution penetrates sufficiently deep into the skin. The majority of the Thymuskin active ingredient reaches hair follicles via the hair shaft. It has therefore been shown that when locally applied, Thymuskin penetrates into the depths of the skin where it takes effect.




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