
歷時半年,我們執行多項關於 德國欣髮源Thymuskin 精華凝膠和洗髮精在雄激素性落髮AGA)和慢性休止期落髮(慢性TE)的初始階段的有效性測試。

此項研究包含364 位受試者,落髮症狀與男女比例分配如下:

•70 男性(平均年齡30.7 歲):雄性禿(AGA

•57 男性(平均年齡35.9 歲): 慢性休止期落髮(慢性TE

•53 女性(平均年齡42.1 歲):雄性禿(AGA

•184 女性(平均年齡36.9 歲):慢性休止期落髮(慢性TE

受試者在24 週受試期間,使用精華凝膠每天一次,和洗髮精每週三次。我們對受試者進行了頭髮拉扯測試和症狀評估(脂漏性皮膚炎、紅斑和瘙癢)。同時,我們也對耐受性和化妝品接受度也進行了評估。受試者在使用六個月後,雄性禿(AGA)和慢性休止期落髮(慢性TE)都得以改善,落髮顯著減少;脂漏性皮膚炎、紅斑和瘙癢症狀也同時減少。大部份的受事者對耐受性和化妝品接受度驗收反應多是好到非常好。






















•嚴重的瘙癢症狀在3 例女性與11 例男性身上得以全然消除


德國欣髮源THYMUSKIN 對雄性禿患者的效果測試



» 74%的女性和75%的男性搔癢狀況得到改善




Clinic al studies


A multicentric study8 was undertaken investigating the effectiveness and tolerability of Thymuskin (serum and shampoo) in the initial phase of androgenetic alopecia (AGA) and chronic telogen effluvium (chronic TE) over a period of six months. The study included 364 test subjects split as follows:


• 70 men (average age 30.7) with AGA


• 57 men (average age 35.9) with chronic TE


• 53 women (average age 42.1) with AGA


• 184 women (average age 36.9) with chronic TE


The patients used the serum once a day and the shampoo three times a week over a total period of 24 weeks. All test subjects underwent a pull test and a symptom evaluation (seborrhoea, erythema and itching) performed by the investigator. Tolerability and cosmetic acceptance/tolerance were also assessed. After six months of treatment, patients with AGA and patients with chronic TE both demonstrated a significant decrease in hair loss, a stimulation of hair growth and a reduction in the symptoms of seborrhoea, erythema and itching. Tolerability and cosmetic acceptance were good to very good in the majority of patients.


Androge netic alopecia


1.Reduction in hair loss


2. Decrease in seborrhoea and erythema

• Seborrhoea and erythema improvement in 93% and 97% of women respectively

• Seborrhoea and erythema improvement in 89% and 90% of men respectively

3. Elimination of itching

• Itching eliminated in 74% of women (25/34), with the remaining 26% (9/34) still experiencing light itching

• Itching eliminated in 75% of men (36/48), with the remaining 25% (12/48) still experiencing light itching

• Strong itching completely eliminated for the total of 3 cases of women and 11 cases of men

Thymuski n® effectiveness in patients with androgenetic alopecia

»» Hair loss reduced in an average of 96% of patients

»» Seborrhoea and erythema improved in at least 89% of patients in each case

»» Itching eliminated in 74% of women and 75% of men





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